Stainless Steel and Vertical Wire through Decking - System 7

Product Summary

System 7 is specifically designed for use with timber decking.  It has no visible bottom rail, as this is mounted under the decking.  The handrail can be either Stainless Steel or Timber.
This stainless steel and vertical wire system fully complies with strict building codes,  and can be used on balconies where the floor height is above 4 metres (Horizontal wire systems cannot be used in these applications).
Pool Fencing can also be constructed with vertical wire system and meet the requirements of AS1926 (Swimming Pool Fencing regulations).
Can be installed as a complete free-standing system or fitted between existing posts and walls of any suitable materials. Wires are at 70mm spacing to ensure the maximum gap requirements of both balustrades and pool fencing is met.  Maximum post spacing of 3000mm inside to inside with a vertical brace post fitted at a maximum of 630mm centres.
Applications suitable for domestic and commercial balconies, barriers and pool fences.

Key Features

  • Wire disappears through deck.
  • Does not interfere with view.
  • Neat clean finish.
  • Optional stainless steel or timber handrail.
  • Modular design system, allowing quick and easy installation.
  • Marine Grade Stainless Steel.
  • Vertical barrier with system stainless steel wires at 70mm centres.
  • No visible tensioners, swages, turnbuckles, fixing, etc.
  • Very competitively priced.
  • No ongoing tensioning of wires.


   Non Exposed Fittings
        Base Rail - Anodised Aluminium
Anodised Aluminium Channel, 40x40x40x3mm
        Wire Tensioner Plate
304 Stainless Steel
        Wire Tensioner Bolt
304 Stainless Steel, RH and LH threaded tensioning bolt, M8/M10
        Nut and Washer - Tensioner
304 Stainless Steel, M8
   Exposed Fittings
Use existing, or install timber posts to suit
        Post to Handrail Joiner
HDG (Hot Dip Galvanised) angle brackets
   Exposed Fittings
316 Stainless Steel, 3.2mm diameter, 7 x 7 lay wire rope
        Plug - top wire
        Brace post and locators
316 Stainless Steel, 19mm diameter
   Exposed Fittings
        Hand Rail - Stainless Steel
316 600 Grit Stainless Steel, 50.8mm diameter with key holes for wire rope
        Hand Rail - Timber
Timber as per customers requirements, ex 90 x 45mm stock minimum
        Top Rail - Timber handrail
404 Stainless Steel, Square Hollow Section, 25mm